What is S&A Magazine?

S&A Magazine started as a creative project in April 2020 by Audrey Smith and Shreya G., but it has evolved into a more professional magazine with issues posted every other month. It started as just an idea, but then we realized that we really enjoyed the process of making content to inspire others, so we continued making our issues. Our goal is to make our magazine something that not only we enjoy making, but also something that others enjoy reading. We hope that our magazine inspires you to create kindness!

About Us

Hello, I’m Shreya, a co-editor of S&A Magazine. I would say that I am unique and very thoughtful. I love to dance, play with my beagle, and experiment with my drawing style! I also like hanging out in my room and writing stories, songs, and poems.

​Hey, I’m Audrey, the other co-editor of S&A Magazine. I’m creative and imaginative. I love music, vintage clothes, and graphic design. Most of my art, photography, and poetry captures mundane, every day moments and highlights the beauties found within them. I also take lots of photos of flowers and nature! (You can check out my other work and graphic design projects @electricmagenta on instagram)

What is “Create Kindness”?

We came up with the phrase “Create Kindness” as our slogan for S&A Magazine when it was first launched in 2020 and we quickly realized that those words were able to almost exactly describe the purpose of our magazine. We want our readers to be inspired not only by our art and photography, but we want them to be kind, something that isn’t valued as much as it should be in today’s society.

Contact Us

Email us at sandazine@gmail.com

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